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Aplica dos veces al día, mañana y noche, en las pestañas limpias. Presiona el botón para dispensar la solución y aplica en la base de las pestañas, de modo similar a un delineador. No apliques en el interior del ojo o la zona lacrimal. Después de aplicarlo, deja que el producto se seque durante algunos minutos. Una vez seco, puedes seguir tu rutina de maquillaje habitual.
- Hombres y mujeres cuyas pestañas se están volviendo más escasas y que buscan proteger y estimular su crecimiento.
- Hombres y mujeres con hipotricosis o deficiencia en la longitud, cantidad y volumen de las pestañas.
Recomendados por dermatólogos

“Este es el mejor shampoo para prevenir y tratar la caída del cabello. Aporta cafeína, la cual estimula el crecimiento del cabello y también contrarresta los efectos negativos de la testosterona en los folículos capilares. Si pierdes más cabello de lo normal o sientes que tu cabello se está volviendo más delgado, Revita es el shampoo ideal para ti.”

“Revita shampoo has ingredients that may decrease hair loss such as caffeine. It also does not have sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, which may cause a dermatitis, like many other shampoos.”

“Un tratamiento completo para la pérdida del cabello debe incluir un shampoo para mantener una piel cabelluda saludable. Revita Shampoo prepara la piel cabelluda para tratamientos de pérdida y adelgazamiento del cabello. Sus ingredientes activos disminuyen la inflamación y bloquean los efectos androgenéticos sobre el folículo piloso, y los antioxidantes promueven el grosor y previenen el envejecimiento de la unidad capilar. Revita cuenta con tecnología nanosomal para garantizar que estos ingredientes lleguen a las áreas objetivo del folículo.”

“The Revita stimulating shampoo is my go-to product and I use it on a daily basis. It contains a unique combination of helpful ingredients for hair follicles such as antioxidants, niacinamide, caffeine, and amino acid. It is also sulfate-free and environmentally friendly.”

“Ningún suplemento vitamínico había sido tan completo como el que nos ofrece Revita SOD además de que son únicos al agregar la superoxidodismutasa como antioxidante donde en conjunto hacen la sinergia perfecta para los tratamientos de Efluvio Telógeno… sin duda mi suplemento favorito”

“I like the ingredients in Revita hair stimulating shampoo because in combines anti-inflammatories, DHT blockers, amino acids, and vitamins to effectively treat hair loss by targeting different causes, while nourishing your scalp to promote hair growth.”

"Comparing with every other product in the market it is the best. Its formula is unique, with great and powerful ingredients."

"¿Sabías que la contaminación aumenta la pérdida del cabello? La contaminación intensifica el estrés oxidativo en los folículos capilares. Puedes protegerlos con shampoo Revita. Su combinación antioxidante especial (procianidina B2, té rooibos y cafeína) mejora las defensas del cabello contra el daño ambiental."

"DS laboratories continue to add useful formulations for different kinds of hair loss. Ingredients that help to stimulate hair follicles and block DHT activity are formulated in cosmetically acceptable products."

"Revita Shampoo es una parte integral de mi protocolo de tratamiento para todos mis pacientes que sufren pérdida y adelgazamiento del cabello."

"Revita is one of the best shampoos for hair loss. It has really good active ingredients (caffeine) that block the androgenic pathways preventing the hair thinning. I recommend Revita to all my patients."

"I love the Revita line, I use it personally and I recommend it to all my patients with problems of deterioration and/or hair loss: Revita shampoo is the favorite of my patients with problems of hair loss and seborrhea, especially it is the favorite of men. Patients say that with their use they notice “fuller” hair, more volume, better styling, and a longer scalp clean."

"Revita is my favorite product in the treatment of every kind of alopecia, it stimulates hair follicule health activating growth and inhibiting androgen effects promoting a healthy scalp."

"Revita shampoo contains active ingredients which address the processes underlying androgenetic alopecia, thus reducing hair loss. I have received testimonials from my own patients who have found Revita shampoo has made a positive difference to their hair density and hair shedding."

"I have been recommending Revita shampoo to my patients since 2009. I am sure this is exactly the shampoo with the real treatment properties. Ds Laboratories creates a unique form with nanosomes, thanks to which the active ingredients of Revita shampoo have a maximum effect on the hair follicle and scalp."
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DS Laboratories is a Winner For Thinning Hair!
I have tried two other hair growth systems that I discovered through FB ads and thought I liked both. Until I discovered DS Laboratories Hair Loss system. I have fine hair, in my early 70s so thinning at the temples and loss of vibrancy - DS Labs system has totally turned the health of my hair around. I visited my hairdresser this week and she said that my hair has alot of new growth, definitely feels thicker and healthier than she's ever seen it! And, I've been going to her for over 15 years! It's a winner!!!
DS Laboratories is a Winner For Thinning Hair!
I have tried two other hair growth systems that I discovered through FB ads and thought I liked both. Until I discovered DS Laboratories Hair Loss system. I have fine hair, in my early 70s so thinning at the temples and loss of vibrancy - DS Labs system has totally turned the health of my hair around. I visited my hairdresser this week and she said that my hair has alot of new growth, definitely feels thicker and healthier than she's ever seen it! And, I've been going to her for over 15 years! It's a winner!!!